Salt River Project

WREP funds student research in all fields related to the assessment and protection of watersheds and water resources in north-central Arizona. We fund interdisciplinary research with fields including economics, political science, water resources engineering, aquatic biology, environmental science, geology, and environmental engineering. The primary research activity of WREP is the Directed Research Program, which is funded by the Salt River Project (SRP) and provides $20,000 in annual funding for student-driven research projects.
Directed research
Each year in January, WREP and SRP seek proposals from undergraduate or graduate students to support research in water policy, water management and environmental regulation of aquatic systems, with a particular emphasis on projects related to (1) the hydrology, ecology and biology of the Verde River system and (2) the social and economic values and opportunities provided by a healthy Verde River system and watershed. For the 2013-2014 academic year preference was given to projects building on the results of previously funded studies; research that advances our understanding of groundwater systems in the Verde Valley; and research involving the hydrology, efficiency, operations, and a better understanding of the irrigation needs of ditch owners. Emphasis areas for academic year 2014-2015 have not yet been announced.
Awards for 2014-2015 Accordion Closed
Awards will be announced in May 2014.
Awards for 2013-2014 Accordion Closed
- Evaluating flood risk mitigation from forest restoration treatments using hydrologic modeling and sediment derived paleoflood records. Victoria Stempniewicz, Geology, Dr. Abe Springer, advisor. $14,772. Abstract.
- Mercury concentrations in lichen near Drake Cement, LLC. Christopher Yazzie, Environmental Engineering, Dr. Paul Gremillion, advisor. $3179. Abstract.
- Measuring the Spatial Dimension of Household Willingness to Pay for Watershed Services in Flagstaff, Arizona. Pamela Bergman, Geology, Dr. Julie Mueller, advisor. $2,049. Abstract.
Awards for 2012-2013 Accordion Closed
- Endocrine Disruption Compounds in the Verde River; Androgenic or Estrogenic? Faye Healy, Biology, Dr. Catherine Propper, advisor. $13,725. Final report.
- Predicting Groundwater Yield. Clint Wyatt, Geology, Dr. Abe Springer, advisor. $4,249. Final report.
- Prioritization of Spring-Remediation Projects through Statistical Analysis of Spring Assessments in the Coconino and Kaibab National Forests. Kyle Paffett, Geology. Dr. Abe Springer, advisor. $2,025. Final report.
Awards for 2011-2012 Accordion Closed
- Building an Economically and Ecologically Sustainable Restoration and Monitoring Plan for Forested Watersheds in Northern Arizona. Wes Swaffar, Environmental Science & Policy, Dr. Erik Nielsen, advisor. $9,871. Final report.
- Effects of an elevation gradient on evapo-sublimation in the San Francisco Peaks. Hugo Froyland, Geography, Dr. Erik Schiefer, advisor. $5,308. Final report.
- Flagstaff flood discharge analysis. Jacob Skinner, Geography. $4,782. Final report.