(in ascending chronological order)
- Jaeger, R.G., K.C.B. Nishikawa & D.B. Barnard. 1983. Foraging tactics of a terrestrial salamander: costs of territorial defence. Animal Behaviour 31:191-198. full text (PDF)
- Nishikawa, K.C. 1985. Competition and the evolution of aggressive behavior in two species of terrestrial salamanders. Evolution 39:1282-1294. full text (PDF)
- Hairston, N.G., K.C. Nishikawa & S.L. Stenhouse. 1987. The evolution of competing species of terrestrial salamanders: niche partitioning or interference? Evolutionary Ecology 1:247-262. full text (PDF)
- Nishikawa, K.C. 1987a. Interspecific aggressive behavior in salamanders: species-specific interference or misidentification? Animal Behaviour 35:263-270. full text (PDF)
- Nishikawa, K.C. 1987b. Staining amphibian peripheral nerves with Sudan black B: progressive vs. regressive methods. Copeia 1987:489-491. full text (PDF)
- Nishikawa, K.C. & P.M. Service. 1988. A fluorescent marking technique for terrestrial salamanders. Journal of Herpetology 22:349-351. full text (PDF)
- Nishikawa, K. & R. Wassersug. 1988. Morphology of the caudal spinal cord in Rana (Ranidae) and Xenopus (Pipidae) tadpoles. Journal of Comparative Neurology 269:193-202. full text (PDF)
- Roth, G., K. Nishikawa, U. Dicke & D.B. Wake. 1988a. Funktionsmorphologie und neuronale Kontrolle des Beutefangs bei Salamandern und Froschen: Gemeinsamkeiten und Alternativen. Verhandlungen der deutschen zoologischen Gesellschaft 81:59-75.
- Roth, G., K. Nishikawa, U. Dicke & D.B. Wake. 1988b. Topography and cytoarchitecture of the motor nuclei in the brainstem of salamanders. Journal of Comparative Neurology 278:195-208. full text (PDF)
- Wake, D.B., K.C. Nishikawa, U. Dicke & G. Roth. 1988. Organization of the motor nuclei in the cervical spinal cord of salamanders. Journal of Comparative Neurology 278:181-194. full text (PDF)
- Nishikawa, K.C. 1989a. Organismal vs mechanistic biology. Herpetologica 42(4):473-479. full text (PDF)
- Nishikawa, K.C. 1989b. Book Review: Developmental Neurobiology of the frog. Copeia 4:1117-1119. full text (PDF)
- Nishikawa, K. & R. Wassersug. 1989. Evolution of spinal nerve number in anuran larvae. Brain, Behavior and Evolution 33:15-24. full text (PDF)
- Nishikawa, K.C. 1990. Intraspecific spatial relationships of two species of terrestrial salamanders. Copeia 1990:418-426. full text (PDF)
- Nishikawa, K.C. 1990. The development of spinal motor neurons in salamanders. Acta Embryol. Morphol. Exper. 11(3):206-207. full text (PDF)
- Roth, G., K.C. Nishikawa, D.B. Wake, U. Dicke & T. Matsushima. 1990. Mechanics and neuromorphology of feeding in amphibians. Netherlands Journal of Zoology 40:115-135. full text (PDF)
- Nishikawa, K.C. & D.C. Cannatella. 1991. Kinematics of prey capture in the tailed frog, Ascaphus truei (Anura: Ascaphidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 103:289-307. full text (PDF)
- Nishikawa, K.C. & G. Roth. 1991. The mechanism of tongue protraction during prey capture in the frog Discoglossus pictus. Journal of Experimental Biology 159:217-234. full text (PDF)
- Nishikawa, K.C., G. Roth & U. Dicke. 1991. Motor neurons and motor columns of the anterior spinal cord of salamanders: post-hatching development and phylogenetic distribution. Brain, Behavior and Evolution 37:368-382. full text (PDF)
- Deban, S.M. & K.C. Nishikawa. 1992. The kinematics of prey capture and the mechanism of tongue protraction in the green tree frog, Hyla cinerea. Journal of Experimental Biology 170: 235-256. full text (PDF)
- Nishikawa, K.C. & C. Gans. 1992. The role of hypoglossal sensory feedback during feeding in the marine toad, Bufo marinus. Journal of Experimental Zoology 264:245-252. full text (PDF)
- Nishikawa, K.C., C. Anderson, S. Deban & J. O’Reilly. 1992. The evolution of neural circuits controlling feeding behavior in frogs. Brain, Behavior and Evolution 40:125-140. full text (PDF)
- Roth, G., U. Dicke & K. Nishikawa. 1992. How do ontogeny, morphology, and physiology of sensory systems constrain and direct the evolution of amphibians? American Naturalist 139:S105-S124. full text (PDF)
- Anderson, C.W. & K.C. Nishikawa. 1993. A prey-type dependent hypoglossal feedback system in the frog, Rana pipiens. Brain, Behavior and Evolution 42:189-196. full text (PDF)
- Roth, G., K.C. Nishikawa, C. Naujoks-Manteuffel, A. Schmidt & D.B. Wake. 1993. Paedomorphosis and simplification in the nervous system of salamanders. Brain, Behavior and Evolution 42:137-170. full text (PDF)
- Gray, L.A. & K.C. Nishikawa. 1995. Feeding kinematics of phyllomedusine tree frogs. Journal of Experimental Biology 198:457-463. full text (PDF)
- O’Reilly, S.R. & K.C. Nishikawa. 1995. Mechanism of tongue protraction during prey capture in the spadefoot toad Spea multiplicata (Anura: Pelobatidae). Journal of Experimental Zoology 273:282-296. full text (PDF)
- Ritter, D.A. & K.C. Nishikawa. 1995. The kinematics and mechanism of prey capture in the African pig-nosed frog (Hemisus marmoratum): the description of a radically divergent anuran tongue. Journal of Experimental Biology 198:2025-2040. full text (PDF)
- Anderson, C.W. & K.C. Nishikawa. 1996. The roles of visual and proprioceptive information during motor program choice in frogs. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 179:753-762. full text (PDF)
- Nishikawa, K.C. & C. Gans. 1996. Mechanisms of prey capture and narial closure in the marine toad, Bufo marinus. Journal of Experimental Biology 199:2511-2529. full text (PDF)
- Anderson, C.W. & K.C. Nishikawa. 1997. The functional anatomy and evolution of hypoglossal afferents in the leopard frog, Rana pipiens. Brain Research 771:285-291. full text (PDF)
- Gray, L.A., J.C. O’Reilly & K.C. Nishikawa. 1997. Evolution of forelimb movement patterns for prey manipulation in anurans. Journal of Experimental Zoology 277:417-424. full text (PDF)
- Nishikawa, K.C. 1997. Emergence of novel functions during brain evolution. Bioscience 47:341-354. full text (PDF)
- Roth, G., K.C. Nishikawa & D.B. Wake. 1997. Genome size, secondary simplification, and the evolution of the salamander brain. Brain, Behavior and Evolution 50:50-59. full text (PDF)
- Valdez, C.M. & K.C. Nishikawa. 1997. Sensory modulation and motor program choice during feeding in the Australian frog, Cyclorana novaehollandiae. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 180:187-202. full text (PDF)
- Anderson, C.W., K.C. Nishikawa & J. Keifer. 1998. Distribution of hypoglossal motor neurons innervating the prehensile tongue of the African pig-nosed frog, Hemisus marmoratum. Neuroscience Letters 244:5-8. full text (PDF)
- Wiltenmuth, E.B. & K.C. Nishikawa. 1998. Geographic variation in agonistic and sensory behaviour in a ring species of salamander, Ensatina eschscholtzii. Animal Behavior 55:1595-1606. full text (PDF)
- Nishikawa, K.C. 1999. Neuromuscular control of prey capture in frogs. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Biological Sciences 354:941-954. full text (PDF)
- Nishikawa, K.C., W.M. Kier & K.K. Smith. 1999. Morphology and mechanics of tongue movement in the African pig-nosed frog (Hemisus marmoratum): a muscular hydrostatic model. Journal of Experimental Biology 202:771-780. full text (PDF)
- Nishikawa, K.C., S.T. Murray & M. Flanders. 1999. Do arm postures vary with the speed of reaching? Journal of Neurophysiology 81:2582-2586. full text (PDF)
- Peters, S.E. & K.C. Nishikawa. 1999. Comparison of isometric contractile properties of the tongue muscles in three species of frogs, Litoria caerulea, Dyscophus guinetti and Bufo marinus. Journal of Morphology 242:107-124. full text (PDF)
- Nishikawa, K.C. 2000. Feeding in Frogs, In: Feeding: form, function and evolution in tetrapod vertebrates. K. Schwenk, ed., Academic Press, San Diego. 117-144. full text (PDF)
- Herrel, A., Meyers, J.J., Aerts, P. and K.C. Nishikawa 2000. Mechanism of prey capture in chameleons. Journal of Experimental Biology 203:3255-3263. full text (PDF)
- Meyers, J.J. and K.C. Nishikawa 2000. Comparative study of tongue protrusion in three iguanian lizards: Sceloporus undulatus, Pseudotrapelus sinaitus and Chamaeleo jacksonii. Journal of Experimental Biology 203: 2833-2849. full text (PDF)
- Herrel, A., Meyers, J.J., Aerts, P. and K.C. Nishikawa 2001. Functional implications of supercontracting muscle in the chameleon tongue retractors. Journal of Experimental Biology 204:3621-3627.full text (PDF)
- Herrel, A., Meyers, J.J., Nishikawa, K.C. and F. De Vree 2001. Morphology and histochemistry of the hyolingual apparatus in chameleons. Journal of Morphology 249:154-170. full text (PDF)
- Herrel, A., Meyers, J.J., Nishikawa, K.C. and F. De Vree 2001. Evolution of feeding motor patterns in lizards: modulatory complexity and constraints. American Zoologist 41:1311-1320.full text (PDF)
- Mallett, E.S., Yamaguchi, G.T., Birch, J.M. and K.C. Nishikawa 2001. Feeding motor patterns in anurans: insights from biomechanical modeling. American Zoologist 41:1364-1374. full text (PDF)
- Eisthen, H.L. and K.C. Nishikawa 2002. Convergence: Obstacle or opportunity. Brain, Behavior and Evolution 59:235-239. full text (PDF)
- Herrel, A., Meyers, J.J., Timmermans, J.P. and KC. Nishikawa 2002. Supercontracting muscle: producing tension over extreme muscle lengths. Journal of Experimental Biology 205, 2167-2173. full text (PDF)
- Meyers, J.J., Herrel, A. and K.C. Nishikawa 2002. Comparative study of innervation patterns of the hyobranchial musculature in three iguanian lizards: Sceloporus undulatus, Pseudotrapelus sinaitus and Chamaeleo jacksonii. Anatomical Record 267, 177-189. full text (PDF)
- Nishikawa, K.C. 2002. Evolutionary convergence in nervous systems: insights from comparative phylogenetic studies. Brain, Behavior and Evolution 59(5-6):240-249. full text (PDF)
- O’Reilly, J.C., Deban, S.M. and K.C. Nishikawa 2002. Derived life history characteristics constrain the evolution of aquatic feeding behavior in adult amphibians. In: Topics in Functional and Ecological Vertebrate Morphology (P. Aerts, K. D’Aout, A. Herrel and R. Van Damme, Eds.). Topics in Functional and Ecological Vertebrate Morphology, pp. 153-190. full text (PDF)
- Meyers, J.J., O’Reilly, J.C., Monroy, J.M., and K.C. Nishikawa 2004. Mechanism of tongue protrusion in Microhylid frogs. Journal of Experimental Biology207:21-31.full text (PDF)
- Corbacho, F., Nishikawa, K.C., Weerasuriya, A., Liaw, J.S. and Arbib, M.A. 2005. Schema-based learning of adaptable and flexible prey-catching in anurans I. The basic architecture. Biological Cybernetics. full text (PDF)
- Meyers, J.J., Herrel, A. and Nishikawa, K.C. 2006. Morphological correlates of ant eating in horned lizards (Phrynosoma). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society full text (PDF)
- Lappin, A., Monroy, J.A., Pilarski, J.Q., Zepnewski, E.D. Pierotti, D.J. and K.C. Nishikawa 2006. Storage and recovery of elastic potential energy powers ballistic prey capture in toads. Journal of Experimental Biology full text (PDF)
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