Writing Ambassador Program
What is the Writing Ambassador Program?
The Writing Ambassador program is designed to bring enhanced writing instruction and support to students across the disciplines. Writing Ambassadors are embedded in courses where they provide mini-lessons, workshops, feedback, individual tutoring, and more depending on the needs of the instructor and department. Writing Ambassadors are trained Writing Assistants with the Lumberjack Writing Center (LWC) who have demonstrated excellence in supporting student writing.
Faculty interested in having Writing Ambassadors in their courses should contact Dr. Alana Kuhlman, Lumberjack Writing Center Director at Alana.Kuhlman@nau.edu.
What is the difference between supplemental instruction and the Writing Ambassador program? Accordion Closed
Supplemental instructors provide support in disciplinary course content; these are typically students who have demonstrated excellence in disciplinary knowledge. Writing Ambassadors provide writing specific support. Writing Ambassadors are onboarded by the LWC and attend ongoing trainings to prepare them to support students in their disciplinary writing courses.
How is the Writing Ambassador program different from appointments at the Lumberjack Writing Center? Accordion Closed
By being embedded in the course, Writing Ambassadors have opportunities to teach writing lessons and lead writing workshops directly related to course content. They also provide feedback to students on drafts, offer one-on-one tutoring, and develop writing resources for students. By having familiarity with the course learning objectives and faculty expectations, Writing Ambassadors are able to provide enhanced and relevant support to all students in the course. Faculty teaching courses with Writing Ambassador remain in contact with the LWC Director throughout the semester to ensure the Writing Ambassadors are successful in supporting students.
How many hours does the Writing Ambassador work? Accordion Closed
The number of hours the Writing Ambassador works in a course depends on the needs of the faculty/department. Please contact the LWC office to discuss options.
How can I coordinate with the LWC in order to have a Writing Ambassador in my classroom? Accordion Closed
You may contact LWC either via emailing alana.kuhlman@nau.edu, or calling 928-523-7745.
Can I have the same Writing Ambassador in my classroom for multiple semesters? Accordion Closed
Depending on individual circumstances and the schedule of your assigned Writing Ambassador, it is possible to have the same assistance in your classroom for multiple semesters.