Laboratory Exchange Proposal Instructions
These proposals are intended to fund single visits to the hosting lab. Ongoing/multiple exchanges are possible, but must be proposed independently. Preference may be given to those for which no prior collaboration has occurred.
The application should be 2 pages maximum. List your name and your overseeing PI’s name at the top of the application, along with your contact details.
Successful proposals will:
- Be interdisciplinary
- Generate a product
- Early-career researchers (ie – undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral scholars). Non-US members are welcome to apply.
- Applicants and their overseeing PIs must all be members of the RCN (Membership Form)
- Current funding must be available to support the proposed research aims (no research funding is possible via the RCN — only travel)
Application requirements
- Plans during the exchange itself.
- The purpose of the exchange, including cross-training goals, personnel involved, and other synergisms that may arise from this exchange.
- The long-term impact of the exchange.
- Timeline for the project that justifies the duration of the exchange.
- Is this an extension of a previously funded RCN Lab Exchange? (Note: this does not disqualify the proposal)
Also include in application
- Letter of recommendation from your overseeing PI
- Letter of acknowledgement from the hosting PI stating they support your proposed visit to their lab
- Budget
- $3,000 maximum
- Include travel expenses only (no salary support) – ie: flights, lodging, ground transportation, M&IE
- Meals & incidental expenses can be included in your budget as a daily rate (not reimbursed individually)
- Economy travel is required
- Please acknowledge any other funding sources contributing to the proposed lab exchange
- If your travel will cost more than the $3,000 maximum from the RCN, include confirmation that the remaining funds are already accounted for and won’t need to be separately obtained
Please submit applications as a PDF document via email to: g2p2pop@nau.edu
Post-Exchange Deliverables
- A report on the laboratory exchange in the form of a blog post for our website. These are used to share our members’ stories and market the lab exchange program to future members.
- We will request yearly updates on any academic or career progression that the laboratory exchange contributed towards, as well as any tangible products (publications, internships, presentations, ongoing collaborations, proposals, etc.) that you’ll share with us for our annual NSF reporting.