Join the RCN
Why should I become a member?
To make the best use of available knowledge and greatly improve predictive modeling in a changing world, we need to bring empirical biologists and modelers closer together. The RCN will allow you to forge relationships with scientists in other fields, thereby providing a new perspective on your research. Once you’re a member, you can apply for lab exchanges and register for our workshops.
Who is allowed to be a member?
Anyone can be a member! University faculty, students, and postdoctoral scholars; researchers from anywhere in the world; people simply interested in g2p2pop.
How do I become a member, and what is involved?
Simply fill out the form below! You will receive a confirmation email after you click ‘Submit.’ It doesn’t cost anything! We will add your name to our directory and GIS map, and will only use your email to send you announcements and updates regarding our yearly workshops.
RCN Membership Form
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