Virtual Accessibility Expedition
Welcome and instructions
Thank you so much for joining the Commission on Disability Access and Design (CDAD), NAU4All, the Equity and Access Office, and Disability Resources on the Virtual Accessibility Expedition. Please take a moment to read through the instructions below, then settle in for a fun adventure of keyboard navigation, color contrast, and screen reading activities!
Getting started
There are seven activities to guide users through multiple scenarios that provide new perspectives in interacting with technology. The purpose of these activities is to provoke thought and discussion towards universal design.
Start with the active links below and come back to try the rest of the activities soon.
Play the game
After you have completed each activity, play our game. There are hidden clues with each activity to help you complete the phrase to enter the form.
Navigation tips
You can use the menus at the top of the page to navigate to other activities, or make your way back to this page to continue participating.
Accessibility Tips
If you would like to learn more about accessibility, we have created some accessibility tips to provide additional information.