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The Office of Curriculum and Assessment supports academic leaders and faculty to ensure that curriculum and assessment activities on campus:
- inform and strengthen teaching and learning
- articulate and define program and course curricula and student learning outcomes
- provide systematic, ongoing assessment of student learning
- meet the standards for degree program accreditation, as well as the Higher Learning Commission, Northern Arizona University’s institutional accrediting body, and
- accurately publish curricular requirements in the academic catalog.
We advance the academic strategic priorities of curriculum and assessment through a range of efforts, such as:
- supporting faculty and academic leaders’ development of and/or modifications to academic programs (Program Request Process)
- supporting faculty and academic leaders’ achievement of the Faculty Senate-approved Degree Program Expectations
- providing extensive support and assistance to the College Curriculum and Assessment Committees and the Faculty Senate Curriculum and Assessment Committees
- providing guidance and support for curriculum and assessment for the General Studies Program and the Diversity requirements
- coordinating academic review processes and annual curriculum and assessment reporting requirements, and
- engaging at the national level with assessment and curriculum in higher education communities to sustain knowledge of trends and best practices.