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NACP Research Education: Student Opportunities

- NAU Intro to research- This program aims to support four Native American first and second year college students or first year tribal/community college students with an introduction to the field of cancer-related research with the goal to transition them into a higher level of research.
- NAU Research- This program aims to support four students to improve their preparation and training for biomedical and behavioral sciences at the PhD level. This includes continuation of research and exposure to cancer related careers.
- UA UBRP- This program allows for UA students to work with NACP investigators and other UA faculty to conduct a research project for 10 weeks. Students also participate in introductory research seminars and other workshops to enhance their research experience. Each year we aim to support six students.
- Graduate Summer Transitional Enrichment Program (G-STEP)- A summer research program at UA to assist Native American Students with additional experiences to help ensure their transition to advanced degrees and research programs. Each year we propose to support four students.
Exposure to careers in cancer research
- UA Intro to Oncology Careers for Native American Students– Are able to enroll in a one-unit course during the fall semester that is led by faculty or graduate students already conducting research relevant to Native Americans or Native American students working in cancer-related areas.
- Native American Scientist Role Models- To provide Native American cancer research exposure to students within NACP through scientific seminars at UA and NAU. This program also offers the opportunity for students to attend and present at other National research related conferences.
- Graduate Primer Premier Program (GPP)- A mini conference at the UA to provide students in NACP about UA graduate programs in biomedical and cancer research. This includes faculty and UA staff presenting on a variety of topics from admissions to financial aid as well as students touring laboratories and other related facilities, held in conjunction with the Undergraduate Biology Research Program poster session in January.
Professional development
- Individual Professional Development (IDP) plans created with each student to help in the transition from undergraduate to graduate and professional programs.
- Mentor NACP junior faculty and provide cultural competency training in partnership with the Outreach Core for all NACP faculty and staff.
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