Seminar: Unpacking Place Value
Program: DINÉ
Subject Area: Math
Grade Level: 4th
Year of Publication: 2020
In order to fulfill the state standards for fourth grade regarding number sense and place values, my unit requires large numbers. In addition, I realized that I cannot just focus on one aspect of Numbers and Operations in Base ten like I originally thought. In order for students to establish proficiency, they need to get comfortable using and changing between different strategies associated with Numbers and Operations in Base Ten (NBT) and Operations and Algebraic Thinking (OA). The first objective is to establish number sense skills, then build on that to establish base ten understanding, and finally using that understanding to teach them to round off numbers effectively to the nearest 1,000, 10,000, 100,000, and 1,000,000.
To accomplish this goal, I will create a curriculum that would utilize mileages on the Navajo Reservations. Because fourth-grade standards require students to utilize place values up to 1,000,000’s place, using the mileages would not fulfill the standards. However, using mileages on the reservation would be a good review for third grade standards at the beginning of the school year.