Seminar: The Environment and the Five Senses: Engaging Young Minds with a Holistic Approach to Learning
Program: IECE
Subject Area: Math
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Year of Publication: 2021
My curriculum unit is focused on making musical patterns using Native American musical instruments. The children will use their five senses to create a musical instrument with their parents during PACT Time using various teaching strategies, such as Parent Engagement, Critical Thinking, Compare & Contrast and Think, Pair, Share. The child, family, community and our external world will be included in my curriculum unit. I chose this subject because music is a language that everyone understands. An article titled, Some infants can identify differences in musical tones at six months it states, “The new study extends the existence of those different populations down to infants, suggesting that the source of this difference might be genetic – a capacity that we are born with”. (Science Daily, 2).