Seminar: Indian Country School Counselors Institute Professional Development Program
Program: ICSCI
Subject Area: Counseling
Grade Level: High school
Year of Publication: 2023
By combining the MDE PLP requirements and the OAIE goal areas, school districts are in an advantageous position to support AI students towards graduation through enculturation. Additionally, since school counselors were the primary school support in assisting students in developing their PLPs (U.S. Department of Education Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development Policy and Program Studies Service, 2017), this culturally responsive guide was developed specifically for school counselors to utilize with AI students in crafting their PLPs. When AI students are encouraged to integrate AI culture within their education, they build resiliency. Resiliency ultimately supports students along their high school journey and beyond. Therefore, this guide promotes the mindset that culture is strength for our AI students. As school counselors, we can encourage our AI students to integrate their culture within their personalized educational and life planning.