The Culturally Sustaining and Investigative STEM (CSIS)
The Culturally Sustaining and Investigative STEM (CSIS) professional development program is focused on growing teachers’ content knowledge, ability to write culturally responsive curriculum, and leadership skills. Modeled after the DINÉ and TLSI, this initiative started in 2023 when the Institute for Native-serving Educators met with several administrators from Hopi community schools expressing their desire to offer professional development opportunities for their educators.
Teachers who are CSIS Fellows participate in an 7-month Fellowship that will increase their:
- Content knowledge
- Curriculum-development skills
- Capacity to deliver culturally responsive lessons
- Leadership ability
- Writing capacity
Teachers participate in a seminar group that is led by university faculty who are content experts. Teachers learn the seminar material through reading, discussion, and independent research. Each teacher writes a unique curriculum unit for use in their classroom. Curriculum units are then published online so other educators can access, adapt, and use them in their own classrooms.
Click Here for 2025 CSIS application and guidelines! Accordion Closed
Applications due: Sunday, March 2, 2025!
Click here to complete the 2025 CSIS application
Application Process
Step 1: Get your principal’s support.
You will need to confirm that your principal supports your application. Please discuss this with your principal before you apply.
Step 2: Confirm your eligibility
Please carefully read the “Eligibility criteria” and “Time Commitment” sections to confirm your eligibility. This includes ensuring that you can attend ALL in-person and virtual meetings.
Eligibility Criteria
- Employed as a K-12 teacher full-time in a school serving Hopi students
- Employed in a publicly-funded or tribally-funded school in Arizona
- Support from your school principal to participate in the program
- Ability to attend ALL in-person and online meetings (See 2025 CSIS Program Calendar here)
- Garner support from your school principal to participate in the program by providing them with a copy of the seminar description and schedule to ensure they understand the level of commitment asked of you to participate. Please have this conversation prior to applying to CSIS
Time Commitment
Through successful completion of CSIS, you will earn up to 65 Seat Hours for Professional Development which entails:
- (1) 2.5-hour online seminar meeting
- (5) 1.5-hour online seminar meetings
- (1) 4-day in-person summer residency at NAU’s Flagstaff campus
- (3) 1-day Saturday seminar meetings (1 at NAU’s Flagstaff campus, 2 at Tribal Hopi)
- Attend the American Indian/Indigenous Teacher Education Conference
- Attend 1-day in-person Showcase in November at NAU’s Flagstaff campus
- Scheduled time for reading/writing each week
Step 3: Submit your application
The application is completed via Google forms, which requires you to complete and submit the entire application at one time. Please be sure you allow sufficient time to do this; we recommend approximately one hour.
The application includes two questions that should be answered in 300-600 words. The questions are:
“Please explain why you are interested in participating in CSIS, and describe a specific way you could integrate this seminar topic into your teaching.”
Part of the CSIS Institute’s mission is to work with teachers who are leaders in their schools or communities. How do you demonstrate leadership in your role as a teacher?
It may be helpful to draft your response in a Word/Google Document (or something similar) then copy and paste your response into the application when you are ready to submit.
Step 4: Notification of acceptance
The Institute for Native-serving Educators will inform you of your application status by March 14, 2025. If you are selected to be a fellow of CSIS in 2025, you will receive information about this year’s seminar topic.
2025 CSIS Seminar Accordion Closed
Connecting to Place Through Culturally Sustaining and Investigative STEM for/with Indigenous Students (Jeffrey Hovermill)
This seminar will guide K-12 educators in exploring, planning, and implementing culturally sustaining, place-based, data-rich STEM investigations across common core standards. Place-based education fosters learning experiences rooted in the cultural, historical, environmental, and economic contexts of Indigenous students, highlighting the intrinsic connection between culture, place, and the experiences of students. During the seminar, we will use data and data tools to first engage as learners in regional data investigations to grasp these concepts. Next, we will prepare as teachers to involve our students in similar investigations, enhancing their interest and understanding of STEM. Finally, we will explore ways to integrate culturally sustaining and responsive practices into lessons.
Downloadable PDF *please share with your administrator
Benefits of program participation
- Increased knowledge of best practices in culturally responsive curriculum development
- Completion of a published, self-authored curriculum unit for use in your classroom
- Recognition by the school/district of their accomplishments
- Faculty affiliate status at Northern Arizona University during the program dates, which gives full access to Cline Library resources
- A certificate indicating their completion up to 65 hours of professional development
- Access to colleague’s self-authored curriculum units for use in your classroom
- Networking and learning from other educators in Native-serving schools
- A stipend of $1500 provided upon program completion
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