Training requirements
Training required to conduct human research
All members of the research team are expected to complete online training prior to conducting any activities related to the human research. IRB approval will not be granted for protocols in which study personnel do not have current, completed NAU CITI training.
Northern Arizona University research faculty, staff, advisors and students must complete the human subjects component of the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) online training program. The CITI certification is valid for a four (4) year period, after which time refresher training must be completed. It is recommended that a copy of the completion report is printed and maintained.
Training for non-university research personnel
Collaborators and investigators whom the NAU IRB oversees through a collaborative Institutional Agreement (see Guidance Ceded IRB Review for more information) must have valid human subjects training. The HRPP has set the following requirements for non- NAU personnel:
- Training from another University will be accepted in lieu of the NAU human subjects training. Investigators must submit a completion certification, including a list of the training modules for comparison. The HRPP reserves the right to require individuals to take the NAU CITI program if the training is not comparable.
List of project personnel
Key personnel are required to be listed on the verification of human subjects training form and have current CITI training before they may conduct any activities related to the human research. The National Institute of Health (NIH) defines key personnel as, “the PI and other individuals who contribute to the scientific development or execution of a project in a substantive, measurable way, whether or not they receive salaries or compensation (…).”
The HRPP requires that the form also include:
- Any person consenting subjects
- Those having access to identifiable data
- Faculty advisors for student research
- The study coordinator/contact person
Version 2019-8