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What's new?
Your feedback has resulted in the following updates to F2S
- Faculty can now sort by grade.
- Adding a TA to the system is easy! Email F2SOutreach with TA name and login and class name/number.
Faculty 2 Student Outreach
The Faculty2Student (F2S) Outreach tool* supports student learning and helps you provide communication regarding students’ performance and/or behaviors in class. Using the tool creates a communication stream between you and the student that can improve your relationship with the student and provides the opportunity to help students achieve the learning outcomes in your course.
*To access the tool, we suggest using with the Google Chrome browser.
What is F2S?
Most educators know (and the research confirms) that performance-based feedback in the moment is significant to student success.
F2S is Northern Arizona University’s Academic Feedback Tool (Early Alert System) that converts your quick input and comments into:
- a personalized message to the students
- a notification in the student’s MyNAU Portal
- an official entry in the student’s official LOUIE and SalesForce record
Note: unlike other early alert systems, there is no “middle-man” in F2S. The message goes directly to the student and the documentation in the student’s LOUIE and Salesforce record creates a composite of student performance based on instructor feedback that improves advisor and administrative interventions. Advisors don’t reach out to every student based on a referral, instead, reach out to all students who have been referred to encourage a follow-up meeting.
F2S is a flexible, time-saving tool!
- Faculty determine the criteria and timing of its use.
- Best practices suggest consistent use throughout the term/semester, and messages at the end of each week is most effective. Also, F2S data indicate that sending positive feedback matters to students and tends to improve their persistence in the class and at the university.
- You can accomplish it in just a few clicks, if you choose.
Here’s how it works Accordion Closed
You can send a F2S email to a student as many times as you want!
- Access the F2S Application and log in using your NAU credentials:
- Navigate to the Faculty Center, then click the F2S icon next to your class.
- Enter comments for your students.
In addition to the personalized message, the email contains links to resources, actions to consider, and important dates/deadlines.
Ultimately, the F2S emails you send enables campus-wide support for your students because these data are used to form real-time academic composite views of students performance which advisors, administration, and supporting staff utilize in outreach/intervention efforts.
Learn more about F2S Accordion Closed
- F2S is FERPA Compliant. Use the system to send academic performance-related information, but do not use it to send grades or medical/disability information.
- F2S is a tool to help faculty augment and document conversations with students. Your F2S comments are stored on the student’s record, making your feedback available to supporting staff.
- View F2S Positive Message (video)
- View F2S Concern (video)
- F2S Quick Reference (how-to guide)