Funding Opportunity
Agency: US Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District
Issue Date: March 8, 2018
Application Due Date: April 9, 2018
Funding Instrument: Cooperative Agreement
Funding Opportunity No: POA-CESU-18-01
CFDA No: 12.632
Program Title: Legacy Resource Management Program, Sikes Act 670c-1
Period of Performance is: 30 April 2018 through 1 March 2021. This requirement may be modified to extend the period of performance by one additional year if these tasks are still required and acceptable performance has been met. This does not obligate the Government to extend this agreement.
Estimated Total Funding: $230,000 – $254,000
Eligible Applicants – CESU Hawaii, N&W Alaska, PNW, CA, and Colorado Plateau
Location: Management, Species, Hawaiian Petrel & Newells Shearwater Koke’e Air Force Station, Kauai
Full Announcement: Army Corp_FOA-POA-CESU-18-01