NUMBER N62742‐21‐2‐0002
Responses to this Request for Statements of Interest (RSOI) will be used to identify potential Recipients for a project to be funded by the Department of the Navy (DoN) to provide consultation to Navy staff for insect and other terrestrial arthropod survey work on the Diego Garcia, British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) and to provide identification of specimens collected to lowest taxonomic level possible.
The approximate amounts are expected to be available to support this project.
Type of Assistance Instrument Anticipated: Cooperative Agreement
Authority: Cooperative Agreement under 16 USC §670c‐1 (Natural Resources Management – Sikes Act)
Eligible Applicants:
National – All Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU) National Network cooperative partners who qualify under the DoD Grant and Agreement Regulations (DoDGARS) Part 34 or 2 Code of Federal Regulations 200 are eligible to apply.
Cost Sharing: Not required
Diego Garcia is a tropical coral atoll located south of the equator in the central Indian Ocean, positioned at 7°26’ south latitude and 72°23’ east longitude. The atoll lies at the southern tip of a long chain of coral reefs, atolls, and islands comprising the Laccadives, Maldives, and the Chagos Archipelago. While both native and non‐native terrestrial invertebrate species inhabit Diego Garcia, we know little about them, as to‐date few comprehensive terrestrial invertebrate surveys have been conducted there. The last published compilation (Hutson, 1981) listed 49 species of insects recorded for Diego Garcia with 113 for the Chagos Archipelago as a whole. In 2016‐2017, the Zoological Society of London, working in partnership with the Chagos Conservation Trust, established a comprehensive species list and inventory of the terrestrial invertebrates found in the Chagos Archipelago (M. Robertson, personal communication, April 18, 2018). The list, based upon a thorough review of all available literature, noted over 360 unique species of terrestrial invertebrates found on Diego Garcia. The atoll’s history of human habitation, its abundance of vegetation and standing water, and the increased contact between it and the outside world have undoubtedly influenced the growing number of terrestrial invertebrate species found there.
Estimated Available Funding
$84,900 ($99,758 with CESU fee)
The U.S. Navy (NAVFAC Pacific, NAVFAC Far East, and U.S NSF Diego Garcia) will be conducting general baseline terrestrial invertebrate (primarily insects and other terrestrial arthropods) surveys on Diego Garcia in an effort to better understand the terrestrial natural resources of the main atoll and its three barrier islands. Such surveys have been identified as needed actions in the facility’s Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP) and are consistent with the conservation of natural resources requirements imposed through the Sikes Act (16 USC §670(a)(1)(A)). A survey was conducted by NAVFAC Pacific in 2012, but almost all of the specimens were destroyed in storage. Only some of the specimens that were preserved in alcohol remain in intact.
Brief Description of Anticipated Work:
The Recipient will coordinate a project consultation meeting within 30 days of receipt of award and develop a work plan for the following tasks within 10 days prior to the consultation meeting.
The Recipient will:
* Provide identification of specimens (to lowest taxonomic level possible) collected on Diego Garcia in 2012. It is estimated that the total number of species to be identified from the 2012 survey ranges from between 25‐50.
* Provide consultation to the Navy on strategy and methods to conduct and new terrestrial invertebrate survey on Diego Garcia.
* Provide identification of specimens (to lowest taxonomic level possible) collected in the new survey on Diego Garcia. It is estimated that the total number of species to be identified from the new survey will range from between 150 to 300. The Recipient will prioritize species identifications on specimens that are native and/or potentially rare and alien species that are significantly invasive or previously unrecorded on Diego Garcia.
* Create a spreadsheet/database of all identified specimens
* Create a final report that includes methods, results, and a discussion. The report shall also include an appendix with the spreadsheet/database and an appendix with data sheets which list pertinent natural history and conservation and/or management information for ecologically important species.
The Recipient will provide monthly reports on the progress of their work on the project.
Period of Performance:
The proposed period of performance for the base Cooperative Agreement is 24 months from date of award; however, the parties may extend the period of the Cooperative Agreement by written modification.
Period of Performance Anticipated Award Date
24 Months from Date of Award Summer 2021
A thirty (30)‐day period, starting on the date of award, will be used for the Recipient to provide preliminary documents to the Cooperative Agreement Administrator and Cooperative Agreement Technical Representative. Documents include, but are not limited to, Insurance documents and certificates, Draft and Final Work Plans, etc.
This project is a non‐severable completion‐based service that results in a comprehensive deliverable (Task 4 – Draft and Final Project Report).
Materials Requested for Statement of Interest/Qualifications:
Please provide the following via e‐mail attachment to Kristopher Tom (
1) SF 424 (Enclosure 3)
2) Research & Related Senior/Key Personnel Form (Enclosure 4). Please see Factor 1 for additional submittal requirements.
3) Research & Related Budget Form (Enclosure 5). Please see Factor 3 for additional submittal requirements.
4) SF‐LLL Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (Enclosure 6). If applicable, complete SF‐ LLL. Applicability: If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the grant/cooperative agreement, you must complete and submit Standard Form ‐ LLL, “Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying.”
5) Research & Related Senior/Key Personnel Form (Enclosure 7). The Federal Government has a continuing commitment to monitor the operation of its review and award processes to identify and address any inequities based on gender, race, ethnicity, or disability of its proposed PDs/PIs and co‐PDs/PIs. To gather information needed for this important task, the applicant should submit the requested information for each identified PD/PI and co‐PDs/PIs with each proposal. Submission of the requested information is voluntary and is not a precondition of award. However, information not submitted will seriously undermine the statistical validity, and therefore the usefulness, of information received from others. Any individual not wishing to submit some or all the information should check the box provided for this purpose. Upon receipt of the application, this form will be separated from the application. This form will not be duplicated, and it will not be a part of the review process. This data will be kept confidential. Reimbursement of pre‐award costs will not be allowed.
Please note, that some of the forms functionality may be lost. Please visit‐r‐family.html#sortby=1 to retrieve the forms directly from the website and use these forms when submitting your Statement of Interest.
Review of Statements Received:
Proposals will be evaluated based on the following three factors: 1) Credentials of Key Personnel, 2)Technical Approach, and 3) Reasonableness of Cost.
RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF EVALUATION FACTORS – Factor 1, 2, and 3 are of equal importance.
NOTE: All requirements listed are minimum requirements. Offerors will be assessed on their ability to adhere to the listed requirements, complete responses, follow directions, comply with restrictions and provide quality control on their submittals. All page limits refer to 12‐point font and single spaced one-sided pages. Submissions that exceed the page limitation specified within its corresponding factor may
have additional pages removed from consideration.
Factor 1 ‐ Credentials of Key Personnel
The Offeror shall provide qualified personnel to design and execute all fieldwork activities and data collection methods along with any statistical analyses that may be appropriate when summarizing the data. The technical approach used must be scientifically sound and defensible using accepted methodologies. Proper experience for key personnel conducting this research is critical. Those conducting this work will meet the following minimum qualifications:
A. Project Manager/Entomologist (PM): The PM shall be responsible for overseeing on a day‐to‐day basis necessary activities of the project. The PM’s oversight of the project includes managing specimen identification efforts, monitoring and controlling project costs, coordinating with and providing consultation to the Navy, assigning personnel to duties consistent with the CA requirements, and other applicable or relevant and appropriate requirements. The PM shall be the first in line of control in ensuring that information/data obtained for the project are of high quality and accuracy, and shall be responsible in keeping quality control and assurance inspections activities.
At a minimum, the PM shall have the following qualifications:
* Hold at least a Bachelor’s degree in Entomology from an accredited college or university and possess subject matter expertise in identification of tropical terrestrial invertebrate species and tropical native and invasive vegetation types.
* Have at least 5 years of demonstrated full‐time professional experience applying theories, methods, and practices of entomology with knowledge that enables accurate identification, and documentation of tropical terrestrial invertebrate resources.
* Have a demonstrated ability to manage and implement research design and sampling strategies, make strategic and professional decisions and have oral and written communication skills as evidenced by completed technical reports and/or publications.
* Have knowledge of state, federal, and international laws pertaining to invertebrate collection and transport.
B. Laboratory Technicians: These individuals shall assist with specimen identification, assembling data for the data sheets, database, and final report; conduct scientific review of literatures; assist in the preparation of materials for project meetings; and other duties as assigned.
Laboratory Technicians shall have, at a minimum:
• Two (2) years of experience sorting and identifying insects.
Offerors shall submit documentation (i.e. resume, curriculum vitae, references, and/or similar) that substantiates the PM/Entomologist and Laboratory Technicians meet the minimum qualifications. Information shall include the title of the project, location, and duration including the specific number of hours that were spent working on relevant projects. The Offeror shall also provide three references (with
contact information) that are familiar and can confirm the PM/Entomologist meets the minimum qualifications.
Candidates with experience working on insects in the Chagos Archipelago or other Indian Ocean islands will be evaluated more favorably.
Factor 2 – Technical Approach
The Offeror shall develop an outline for their approach to addressing the anticipated work stated above.
The Offeror shall be evaluated as to the soundness of the overall approach and use of any innovative techniques to accomplish project objectives.
Factor 3 ‐ Reasonableness of Cost
After technical evaluation of the proposal, the offers will be analyzed for fair and reasonable pricing. The Offeror shall use OMB Circular A‐21 “Cost Principles for Institutions of Higher Education”, 48 CFR part 31 “Contract Cost Principles and Procedures,” or 2 CFR 200 Subpart F “Audit Requirements” as applicable.
Evaluations will include an analysis to determine the Offeror’s comprehension of the requirements of the solicitation as well as to assess the validity of the Offeror’s approach. A clear cost breakdown of work elements to be accomplished detailing quantities for the various work items, unit, unit prices and extended prices will be required and will be evaluated. Evaluation will include an analysis to determine
the Offeror’s comprehension of the requirements of the proposed agreement as well as to assess the validity of the Offeror’s approach.
Please provide your proposed budget on the provided pdf titled, “Research and Related Budget” form (Enclosure 5).
Complete the Research and Related Budget form in accordance with the instructions on the form. You must provide a detailed cost breakdown of all costs by cost category, by the funding periods described below, and by task/sub‐task corresponding to the task number in the proposed SOW. You may request funds under any of the categories listed as long as the item and amount are necessary to perform the proposed work and meet all the criteria for allowability under the applicable Federal cost principles. The budget should adhere to the following guidelines:
The budget should be driven by program requirements. Elements of the budget shall include:
* Direct Labor ‐ Individual labor category or person, with associated labor hours and unburdened direct labor rates.
* Indirect Costs ‐ Fringe benefits, overhead, G&A, COM, etc. (must show base amount and rate). Justify in Field K.
* Travel ‐ Number of trips, destination, duration, etc. Justify in Field K (on the form).
* Subcontract ‐ A cost proposal as detailed as the applicant’s cost proposal will be required to be submitted by the subcontractor. If applicable, include in Research & Related Subaward Budget Attachment Form.
* Consultant ‐ Provide consultant agreement or other document that verifies the proposed loaded daily/hourly rate. Include a description of the nature of and the need for any consultant’s participation. Strong justification must be provided, and consultants are to be used only under exceptional circumstances where no equivalent expertise can be found at a participating university. Provide budget justification in Field K.
* Materials ‐ Specifically itemized with costs or estimated costs. An explanation of any estimating factors, including their derivation and application, shall be provided. Include a brief description of the applicant’s procurement method to be used (competition, engineering estimate, market survey, etc.). Justify in Field K.
* Other Direct Costs ‐ Particularly any proposed items of equipment or facilities. Equipment and facilities generally must be furnished by the cooperator/recipient (justifications must be provided when Government funding for such items is sought). Include a brief description of the applicant’s procurement method to be used (competition, engineering estimate, market survey, etc.). Justify in Field K.
Budget Justification (Field K on the form): Provide the required supporting information for the cost elements as shown above (see Research & Related Budget instructions) and listed as follows: indirect cost, travel, consultant, materials, and other direct costs. Provide any other information you wish to submit to justify your budget request.
NOTE: Every deviation from the scope of work requirement must be identified. Proposer must identify the paragraph in the scope of work that is applicable and provide sufficient information to justify why the deviation is in the best interest of the government.
Timeline for Review of Statements of Interest:
We request that Statements of Interest be submitted no later than 25 May 2021 4:00 P.M. Hawaii Standard Time. This Request for Statements of Interest will remain open until an investigator team is selected. Statements of Interest received after 25 May 2021 4:00 P.M. Hawaii Standard Time is considered “late” and may not be considered. Please submit requests for information/questions no later than 12 May 2021 10:00 A.M. Hawaii Standard Time.
Please send electronic responses and questions to:
Mr. Kristopher Tom, Cooperative Agreement Administrator
Naval Facilities Engineering System Command, Pacific
258 Makalapa Drive STE 100, JBPHH, HI 96860
Phone #: (808) 474‐4551
Hutson, A.M., 1981. A Preliminary List of Insects of Diego Garcia Atoll, Chagos Archipelago. Atoll Research
Bulletin No. 243: 1‐29.