NUMBER W9126G-18-2-SOI-4396
Project Title: Archaeological Site Evaluation and Damage Assessment at USAG Fort Hunter Liggett
Responses to this Request for Statements of Interest will be used to identify potential investigators for a project to be funded by USAG Fort Hunter Liggett (FHL) which provides professional and technical support for its Environmental Program in order to facilitate successful implementation of the National Historic Preservation Act (16 U.S.C.470) and the 2016 Programmatic Agreement (Programmatic Agreement among the U.S. Army Garrison Fort Hunter Liggett, the California State Historic Preservation Officer, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation regarding Off-Road Vehicle Maneuver Military Training at Fort Hunter Liggett, California). Approximately $99,500 is expected to be available to support this project.
Conduct archeological testing of 4 sites to assess damage to intact deposits and impacts to eligibility for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. FHL has approximately 700 known archaeological sites ranging from prehistoric to historic to military era sites. FHL is the ancestral homeland of the Salinan Indians.
Note: Must be a non-federal partner in the CESU Unit to be qualified to be considered.
Brief Description of Anticipated Work:
This research focuses on the following objectives:
1) Conduct test excavations of 4 archaeological sites identified by FHL.
2) Analyze data retrieved from sites, and curate artifacts for accession into FHL collections.
3) Determine eligibility for listing on the NRHP for each site according to data retrieved and NHPA criteria, and prepare report and maps suitable for submission to the California SHPO.
4) Assess damages to sites and analyze impacts to eligibilities for listing on the NRHP.
NOTE: At this time we are only requesting that you demonstrate available qualifications and skills for performing similar or same type of work. You will be evaluated for request for a proposal based on skills and qualifications demonstrated in your SOI.
Materials Requested for Statement of Interest/Qualifications:
Please provide the following the following via e-mail attachment to:
(Maximum length: 2 pages, single-spaced
12 pt. font).
1. Name, Organization and Contact Information
2. Brief Statement of Qualifications (including):
a. Biographical Sketch,
b. Relevant past projects and clients with brief descriptions of these projects,
c. Staff, faculty or students available to work on this project and their areas of expertise,
d. Any brief description of capabilities to successfully complete the project you may wish
to add (e.g., permits, equipment, laboratory facilities, field facilities, etc.).
Note: A full study proposal and proposed budget are NOT requested at this time.
Review of Statements Received: Based on a review of the Statements of Interest received, an investigator or investigators will be invited to prepare a full study proposal. Statements will be evaluated based on the investigator’s specific experience and capabilities in areas related to the study requirements.
Please send responses or direct questions to:
Sandra Justman, Contract Specialist
Office: 817-886-1073
Timeline for Review of Statements of Interest: The RSOI are required to be out for a
minimum of 10 working days. Review of Statements of Interest will begin 15 August 2018.