Textbook Exchange
This project was created in an attempt to make textbooks more accessible. While this is a student-run and student-led project, we are hoping to help even just a few students save some money on textbooks. Feedback is always appreciated. Please email: ASNAU_AC@nau.edu
Brought to you by: ASNAU in collaboration with Cline Library
How it works:
- Visit the ASK US! desk in Cline Library and ask for the Textbook Exchange program
- Either donate a gently used textbook or check one out from the library staff
- If checking out, use the book as you need
- You are welcome to keep the book or return it once the class ends
- If returning the book, please return it to the ASNAU office (University Union room 206) or the ASK US! desk in Cline Library
We hope this is a helpful resource and makes your NAU experience more affordable!