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Cadet rank structure

Cadets wear rank according to their Military Science (MS) class. (See:Classes)
New freshmen (MS I) enter the Program at the rank of Cadet Private (C/PVT) and rarely hold leadership positions. Sophomores (MS II) hold the rank of Cadet Corporal (C/CPL), but like the C/PVTs, they hold few leadership positions throughout the year.
Juniors (MS III) hold the rank of Cadet Staff Sergeant (C/SSG) and are the first-level leaders for the freshmen and sophomores. Each MS III rotates through the squad leader (SL), platoon sergeant (PSG), platoon leader (PL), First Sergeant (1SG), and Company Commander positions throughout the course of the year under the supervision and direction of the Seniors (MS IV). While in these positions, the MS III’s will teach basic battle drills, land navigation, and other technical and tactical skills to the underclassmen while honing their own leadership skills.