Salt River Project
High Country Conference Center
Conferences & workshops
Every other year WREP hosts a conference or workshop related to water resources or watershed science and policy.
Water management and climate change in northern Arizona, Summer 2011
This one-day workshop consisted of technical presentations by climatologists and water management experts. Afterward, discussion groups were convened to discuss several inter-related questions:
- What are the significant perceived challenges to water resource management in light of climate change?
- What planning/management approaches will enable us to cope with uncertainties regarding future climate?
- What kinds of scientific knowledge are most useful in facilitating water resource management during increased climate variability?
- Tree Rings and Water Resource Management in the Southwest. Connie Woodhouse, School of Geography and Development, University of Arizona. Download.
- Downscaled Regional Climate Modeling for the Southwest. Christopher Castro, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Arizona. Download
- USGS Global Change: Impacts on Water Resources, and Climate Change Programs Nationally and in the Southwest. Don Bills, Geological Survey (USGS), Arizona Water Science Center. Download.
- Approaches For Integrating Climate Change Into Water Resources Planning. Levi Brekke, Hydraulic Engineer, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado. Download.
- Tree-rings, gages and climate models: Salt River Project’s new methodology for water resources planning and reservoir management on the Salt-Verde watershed. Jon Skindlov, Water Resource Operations, Salt River Project, Phoenix. Download
Discussion group process and outcomes
Experts in climate change science and water management moderated breakout sessions and guided the conversation through a series of follow-up questions and subtopics (below):
How can policy-makers and management agencies encourage the public to focus on behaviors that will promote sustainable watersheds? Accordion Closed
Discussion group members felt that we need to improve knowledge of the hydrologic cycle and how human management has affected watersheds and landscapes in Arizona. It was also suggested that the complex interaction between riparian vegetation and water level fluctuation is poorly understood by the general public; improved dissemination of information about these processes could prove helpful.
How can we improve the communication of scientific issues to better inform watershed management? Accordion Closed
What methods and practices can be used to maintain sustainable watersheds in the face of climate change? Accordion Closed
Is it more important to plan for population growth and/or for sustainable water use in Arizona? Accordion Closed
Participants suggested that Arizona should consider monitoring private groundwater wells, which historically have not been monitored, at least in terms of withdrawal volumes. Participants also suggested that it would be useful to monitor, assess and summarize groundwater-aboveground water fluctuations—both for regional aquifers and for the state’s entire water allocations.
How will projected regional climate changes for Arizona influence timing of water replenishment and recharge events? Accordion Closed
Who can Arizona model to improve future watershed issues in face of climate change uncertainties? Accordion Closed
It was noted that there is variability between major population areas within Arizona, but that these diverse areas need to be managed under one, unified water management plan, as compared with current, separate water-management regimes. Participants also suggested that there is a need for improved lines of communication among scientists, policy makers and stakeholders. As things stand, there appears be a “disconnect” between public perception of water management issues and the actual problems faced by management agencies.
What are easily tangible regional problems and/or solutions for water management? Accordion Closed
How can we integrate climate change variability and natural climatological processes into watershed management? Accordion Closed
How extensive are Arizona’s water resources? Accordion Closed
Financial support for this conference was provided by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and University of Arizona’s CLIMAS.
Panel of national, state, and local experts address reclaimed water issues, December 5, 2011
The Reclaimed Water forum provided a public presentation for five experts in reclaimed water from the national, state, and local levels to present scientific knowledge around reclaimed water and to field questions from the public. The presentations by each panel members addressed the human health risks, regulatory framework and treatment methods for reclaimed water. Following a presentation by each panel member, panel members addressed questions from the audience.
Panel presentations Accordion Closed
The first presentation was by Brad Hill, Utilities Director for the City of Flagstaff. He addressed an overview of the best management practices for reclaimed water treatment and use from an international scale to a local scale. Over 90% of water re-use occurs in just four states in the U.S., and Arizona is one of those states, re-using 205, 000 acre-feet/year. Flagstaff stands as a leader even in Arizona, as 20% of the municipal water use is from reclaimed water, and is used for a range of uses, including: irrigation, construction, industry, and amenity lakes. Water treatment occurs at two facilities, the Wildcat Hill facility and the Rio de Flag facility, which together, treat a capacity of 10 MGD (million gallons per day). Hill’s presentation closed by advocating for re-use, not disposal of reclaimed water.
Following Brad Hill was Dr. Shane Snyder, who is a professor at the University of Arizona and co-director at the Laboratory for Emerging Contaminants. Opening his talk, he posed the question: “when does wastewater just become water?”, and suggested that we are all “swimming in a sea of chemicals”. He presented the results of his research, which involves sensitivity analysis on compounds of emerging concern (CEC’s). Of 62 compounds researched across the country, they detected only 11 compounds, most at concentrations below 1 part per billion. His research team also calculated the acceptable daily intake, and found that individuals would have to intake hundreds to thousands of liters of water per day for any harmful impact. His presentation concluded by re-iterating that all water has been, or can be re-used, and that global sustainability will depend on recycling water.
The next panel member to speak was Mike Fulton, the Director of the Water Quality Division at the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (AZDEQ). Fulton’s presentation primarily focused on examining the past and present trends in wastewater treatment and reclaimed water in Arizona. He gave a detailed description of the treatment which includes: 1) primary treatment (physical processes), 2) secondary treatment (biological processes), and 3) tertiary treatments (chemical processes). The management options for reclaimed water following this treatment regime include discharge to surface water courses, infiltration, recharge, and re-use.
Chuck Graf, Senior Hydrologist at AZDEQ followed Fulton and gave a presentation that detailed the regulatory framework around reclaimed water in Arizona. There are five different classifications for reclaimed water in Arizona: A+, A, B+, B, C. The lowest classification, class C, is designated for extremely minimal public contact and is to be used for irrigation and forage production. Class B is for restricted public use and is designated for uses such as golf courses, livestock watering, orchards, and landscape. Class A reclaimed water, the highest classification, is for open public access and can be used for irrigation, recreation, snowmaking, etc. In Arizona, wastewater treatment plants own their treated wastewater and have control over the distribution and re-use of it. There are two types of permits for end uses: single end users and reclaimed water agent permit. Because of this strong regulatory framework, 65% of Arizona’s water treatment plants distributed treated wastewater for reuse. The last portion of his presentation addressed CEC’s in Arizona’s treated wastewater and announced that the Governor’s Blue Ribbon Panel on water sustainability recommends accelerating research on CEC’s in reclaimed water.
Guy Carpenter, the Vice President of Carollo Engineers and Board Member on the National WateReuse Association, presented information regarding the wastewater treatment process, applications for re-use, and the costs associated with different levels of treatment. There are five general steps to wastewater treatment: bar screening, settling, activated sludge, filtration and disinfections through chlorine or UV radiation. Although this conventional method does an excellent job of treating sewage, they can only go so far to remove trace organic chemical. Advanced treatment options, such as microfiltration, reverse osmosis and advanced oxidation processes can reduce the content of CEC’s, but these facility upgrades have significant cost implications. To improve CEC removal in the City of Flagstaff’s wastewater treatment facilities to a 95% removal rate, each person in Flagstaff would have to contribute $700. To increase CEC removal to 90%, each person in Flagstaff would have to contribute $140. Ultimately, the treatment comes down to a tradeoff of cost and quality. As ratepayers who have a vote in their public utilities, it is our decision.
Questions and answers Accordion Closed
Questions were written on cards by the audience and submitted during the presentation. Questions were not addressed individually, but were grouped into general themes.
How can we mitigate the lag time between scientific knowledge and its incorporation into policy?
Chuck Graf noted that sometimes it can take years to test a new idea, get data and then translate that into policy. Brad Hill asserted that because of this time lag, the utilities industry has taken upon itself to decide to treat water for a number of compounds on a cautionary basis, even though not required by the government.
What are the health risks associated with prolonged exposure to CEC’s through reclaimed water?
Carpenter cited an example of reclaimed water use in Namibia, where water users have been consuming reclaimed water as potable water for over 35 years. He also noted that endocrine disruptors likely have a generational impact. At the levels that we are being exposed to, the extrapolations are showing no risk to human health. Dr. Snyder then explained that although fish and amphibians have shown deformities from exposure, extrapolating those effects to humans is an enormous leap.
What is the difference between A+ reclaimed water and drinking water?
Graf stated that drinking water and A+ reclaimed water are just two different things that are treated to two different standards. Drinking water has to meet standards for a number of different standards, and these standards are based on exposure. For reclaimed water, the concern is on pathogenic contaminants.
Is eating snow safe?
All panelists agree that “safe” is subjective. A+ water is not advisable for drinking but it is safe for very casual exposure. Reclaimed water standards stipulated that there can’t be any E. coli, whereas surface water standards include higher tolerances for E. coli. One panelist said “I think the standards are protective of human health”. Carpenter mentioned that the process of making snow may increase pathogen die-off, but other than that, snow making likely does not change the composition or compound content of reclaimed water.