Brad Butterfield, Ph.D.
Assistant Research Professor
Northern Arizona University
Department of Biological Sciences and Merriam-Powell Center for Environmental Research
Brad’s research interests include plant community ecology, plant functional ecology, ecosystem ecology, and biogeography. Brad’s research focuses on the intersection between processes that regulate biodiversity and the consequences of that diversity for ecosystem function, primarily in dryland ecosystems.
Seth Munson, Ph.D.
Research Ecologist
U.S. Geological Survey
Southwest Biological Science Center
Phone: (928) 523-7740
Seth’s research focus us plant-soil interactions in dryland ecosystems and how these interactions are affected by climate and land use changes. Much of his research aims to understand the dynamics of dryland ecosystems at long temporal and broad spatial scales, which employs a multidisciplinary approach. His work seeks to improve the management of arid and semiarid lands and is done in close collaboration with several land management agencies.
John Bradford, Ph.D.
Research Ecologist
U.S. Geological Survey
Southwest Biological Science Center
Phone: (928) 523-7766
John studies the impact of global change on terrestrial ecosystems, focusing on understanding how changing climatic conditions and land-use practices influence terrestrial vegetation structure and composition as well as ecosystem processes, notably carbon and water cycling. His interests tend toward large spatial and long temporal scales, combing results from manipulative and observational experiments with simulation modeling, remote sensing, and GIS to scale insights from plots to landscapes and regions.