PMI Overview
The Pathogen and Microbiome Institute (PMI) is a research unit at NAU that spans departments and colleges to gather infectious disease and microbiome scientists into a single multi-disciplinary environment. The joint efforts span computational, genomic, microbiology, immunology, and public health disciplines to generate synergy that can’t be achieved within academic silos. The world-class science makes for an ideal training environment for students to achieve their personal professional goals. PMI is closely associated with TGen North, with whom the institute shares infrastructure to maximize Arizona’s investment in science.
PMI in the News

Paul Keim’s Oxford Sabbatical
Paul Keim shares details on spending the 2022-2023 academic year in Oxford, England, where he is studying infectious diseases.
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Nate Stone Leptospira Research
Leptospira bacteria are maintained in reservoir animals (such as livestock and rodents) and shed into the environment through urine.
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Walker Lab 2022 Highlights
2022 was one of those years where it all came together. The Walker Lab submitted 14 papers for peer review, six of which are now published.
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PMI is home to many state of the art labs and research facilities.
The Biosafety Level 1 (BSL-1) Lab works with low-risk microbes that pose little to no threat of infection to healthy adults.
The Biosafety Level 2 (BSL-2) Lab is suitable for work involving agents that pose moderate hazards to personnel and the environment.
The Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) Lab works with Select Agents that have the potential to pose a sever threat to public health and safety.
Genetic Analysis
The Genetic Analysis Instrument allows for the detection of the anticipated DNA target region during the early phases of the reaction.
PCR Amplification
PCR is used to exponentially amplify a single copy of a segment of DNA and check whether the reaction successfully generated the anticipated DNA target region.
Funding Sources & Collaborators
The research at Pathogen & Microbiome Institute is funded by grants from federal, state, and local sources. Our extensive research collaborates with scientists and organizations from across the globe.