Intentional Curriculum
The Intentional Curriculum model for enhanced student learning is comprised of three elements:
- explicit learning outcomes, which are what the faculty want the students to know and be able to do
- strategic learning design, which is how faculty will develop learning opportunities to achieve learning outcomes
- meaningful assessment, which measures if students are learning what faculty want them to learn
The curriculum and assessment cycle has five stages, beginning with the curriculum map. The curriculum map identifies where and to what extent each learning outcome is introduced, reinforced, and mastered in program courses.
The curriculum map is the starting point to develop assessment questions, which identify what you want to know and why you want to know it. Then, you develop an assessment strategy based on the assessment questions. The assessment strategy is designed to systematically gather evidence of student learning.
The process then moves into data collection. Once data is collected, you will analyze, interpret, and integrate findings into a local context. This stage results in recommendations that include strategic learning design and curricular changes, as well as questions for the next assessment.
The strategic learning design or curricular changes are integrated into the Intentional Curriculum, and documented student learning outcomes are disseminated to those involved in the assessment.
The process continues on an annual or as-needed basis to ensure improved student learning outcomes.