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Senate-charged Committees
Given the Senate’s charge to participate in shared governance, the Faculty Senate works with university-wide committees that engage in areas of curriculum, subject matter and methods of instruction, research, faculty status, and other aspects of university life that relate to the educational process. These are external committees whose membership is elected at large and whose operations are governed by the Faculty Constitution. Each senate-charged committee will establish Bylaws using the Faculty Senate-approved template and the Faculty Senate must approve those Bylaws. The membership of each Senate-charged University Committee shall include a Faculty Senate Liaison, who shall participate in discussions and attend all meetings, but who shall be a non-voting member of the committee.
Senate-charged committees include:
- Academic Standards Committee
- Curriculum and Assessment Coordinating Committee
- Faculty Grants Program Committee
- Faculty Grievance Committee
- Intercollegiate Athletics Committee
- Liberal Studies Committee
- Library Committee
- University Graduate Committee
- University Undergraduate Committee
- Diversity Curriculum Committee