Example projects
Higher education Accordion Closed
- REU Program in Astronomy and Planetary Science [Research Experience for Undergraduates, National Science Foundation]
- Partners in the Skies: NAU to CCC Partnership (Partnerships in Astronomy & Astrophysics Research and Education [PAARE], National Science Foundation)
- Promoting STEM Education Access through Scholarships, Engineering Education Microcredentials, and a Community College Partnership [Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program, National Science Foundation]
- Wind-U: Multi-University Collaboration in Wind Energy Graduate Education-Meeting a National Need [Improving Graduate Education (IGE), National Science Foundation]
Research centers Accordion Closed
- Center for Quantum Networks (CQN) [Engineering Research Centers (ERC), National Science Foundation]
Informal/community education Accordion Closed
- Team College Bound, Family Access, Communication, Transition and Support (FACTS) [Arizona Board of Regents]
- Planetary Learning that Advances the Nexus of Engineering, Technology and Science (PLANETS 2.0) [Science Mission Directorate Science Activation, NASA]
Professional development Accordion Closed
- District Continuous Improvement Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (DCI-MTSS) [State Personnel Development Grants (SPDG), U.S. Department of Education]
- Expanding Geospatial Technology Career Development for High School Students through Teacher Professional Development [Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST), National Science Foundation]
- Geospatial Connections Promoting Advancement to Careers in Higher Education [Advanced Technical Education (ATE), National Science Foundation]
- STEM-Focus Schools for the Future [APS Foundation]
Broader impacts Accordion Closed
- Discovering in reverse – using isotopic translation of omics to reveal ecological interactions in microbiomes [Understanding the Rules of Life (URoL), National Science Foundation]