Fall 2013
By: Daniel Becker
Abstract: Accordion Closed
By: Felix Terhile Bua
Abstract: Accordion Closed
By: Edward Collins, Cheron Hunter Davis, and Adriel A. Hilton
Abstract: Accordion Closed
State School Finance System Variance Impacts on Student Achievement: Inadequacies in School Funding
By: Michael J. Hoffman, Ed.D., Richard L. Wiggall, Ed.D., Mary I. Dereshiwsky, Ph.D., Gary L. Emanuel, Doctor of Arts
Abstract: Accordion Closed
Adequate funding for the nation’s schools to meet the call for higher student achievement has been a litigious issue. Spending on schools is a political choice. The choices made by state legislatures, in some cases, have failed to fund schools adequately and have incited school finance lawsuits in almost all states. These proceedings are generally brought to compel state legislatures to fulfill their state constitutional responsibilities to children and their families for the appropriation of fiscal resources to fund public education. Furthermore, student and school accountability measures that carry sanctions enforced by the states can be said to set up a reciprocation of duties. This reciprocal duty is where schools have the responsibility of providing effective instructional environments and the states have the responsibility of allocating sufficient resources to schools to provide educational opportunities for students to meet state achievement goals (Schrag, 2003).
Examining the relationship of funding to levels of student achievement can reveal deficits in state school finance policy that will require redress if states and their public school districts are to attain commonly acknowledged goals of increased student achievement indicating improves readiness for college and future careers.
Funding U.S. Historically Black Colleges and Universities: A Policy Recommendation
By: Donald Mitchell, Jr.
Abstract: Accordion Closed
A Puzzle in the Making: Building Community in Preparation for a Large-Scale School Readiness Study
By: Jennifer Prior, Ph.D. and Robert A. Horn, Ph.D.
Abstract: Accordion Closed
By: Brandon Wolfe, Ph.D. and Sydney Freeman, Jr., Ph.D.
Abstract: Accordion Closed
The underrepresentation of administrators of color in higher education is one of the most important ethical dilemmas facing colleges and universities today. Arguably, in no place is this more evident than at historically white colleges and universities (majority institutions). Prior to the 1960s, the lack of administrators of color in higher education’s Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs) was viewed as common place and a cultural normative due to the existence of segregation and widespread racism during that era. It was not until the American Civil Rights Movement that higher education was forced to expand, at which point, state and federal civil rights mandates–prompted by social justice concerns–began to challenge institutions that excluded minorities (Chang, 2005). Many of these mandates became known as affirmative action policies. Mostly race-sensitive in nature, these affirmative action policies aimed to increase access and opportunities for promotions, salary increases, and career advancement for minority employees.
However, not all PWIs immediately welcomed the demand for a culturally diverse leadership upon their campuses (Arthur & Shapiro, 1995; Kawewe, 1997; Payne, 2004; Perna, Gerald, Baum, & Milem, 2007; Wilson, 1995). Studies on university hiring practices revealed that in many instances, once a minority hiring goal was met, departments stopped seeking minority applicants. In some cases, institutions took direct and intentional action to cease the recruitment of minorities (e.g., by pulling their ads from minority publications) regardless of the number of vacancies that occurred from then on (Wilson, 1995). Meanwhile, over time, legal disputes to affirmative action programs began to expose flaws amidst the policy’s good intentions.
Over 40 years after the American Civil Rights Movement, many of today’s college and university policy makers have shown a willingness to embrace racial diversity. However, efforts to do so have proven that positioning a diverse administrative leadership to reflect the values, issues, and concerns on campus is a multidimensional and complex task (Cabrera, Nora, Terenzini, Pascarella, & Hagedorn, 1999; Holmes, Ebbers, Robinson, & Mugenda, 2000; Jackson, 2004; Jackson & Rosas, 1999; Watson, Terrell, Wright, Bonner, Cuyjet, Gold, Rudy, & Person, 2002). The purpose of this article is to summarize scholarship on the challenges of increasing administrative representation for people of color in higher education and to address implications for policy and practice.