Contract signature authority
Important notice
Northern Arizona University employees acting under authorized course and scope should not sign any document which waives their rights.
In accordance with Arizona Board of Regents Policy 3-103 and Northern Arizona University’s Contract Signature Authority Policy, only university officers to whom the President has delegated contract signature authority with specified limitations may sign or execute binding and enforceable contracts or other written instruments on behalf of Northern Arizona University and the Arizona Board of Regents. Authorized signers are listed on the Contract Signature Authority Delegations List.
If you are an authorized signer, do not execute any contract that does not clearly fall within the limits of your delegated signing authority. If you are not an authorized signer, do not sign, execute, enter into, modify, or cancel any contractual relationship on behalf of Northern Arizona University and the Arizona Board of Regents. As a matter of Arizona law, failure to strictly adhere to these requirements may result in personal financial liability.
Authorized signers may not further delegate their signing authority to any other person and must ensure that all applicable laws and rules are followed when negotiating and executing contracts they sign on behalf of Northern Arizona University and the Arizona Board of Regents. For additional information regarding contract signature authority, view these Frequently Asked Questions.
You may also contact the Office of Sponsored Projects for assistance with sponsored grant proposals, contracts, and subcontracts or Contracts, Purchasing and Risk Management with questions about delegated contract signature authority or for help with all other types of contracts or contract negotiations.