Organizing committee
The following people serve on the Biennial Conference organizing committee, helping to identify keynote speakers, symposium and session organizers, and potential sponsors. In addition to organizing the conference, these people are the point of contact for their organizations and can help answer your questions. The 17th Biennial Conference would not be possible without their hard work!
Clare Aslan
Director, School of Earth and Sustainability, and Co-Director, Center for Adaptable Western Landscapes
Diana Frances Elder
Associate Dean, College of the Environment, Forestry, & Natural Sciences, and Director, Colorado Plateau Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit
Catherine Gehring
Regents’ and Lucking Family Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, and Co-Director, Center for Adaptable Western Landscapes
Jackson Leonard
Research Ecologist and Scientist-in-Charge, Sierra Ancha Experimental Forest, USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station
Brenden W. Rensink
Professor of History & Associate Director, BYU Redd Center for Western Studies
Megan Swan
Botanist, Southern Colorado Plateau I&M Network, National Park Service