Sponsor: City of Phoenix, AZ
PI: Edward Smaglik
Co-PIs: Steven Gehrke and Brendan Russo
In order to take a more proactive approach toward the implementation and operation
of Leading Pedestrian Intervals (LPIs) and other non-motorized user-focused treatments in the
City of Phoenix, this project provided guidance on the implementation of different pedestrian
treatments at signalized intersections within Phoenix. Using sites selected through a crash
analysis, video data was collected to analyze vehicle – pedestrian interactions at signalized
intersections (with and without LPIs, as well as other treatments). This video was reduced in a
laboratory environment to collect Post-Encroachment time of user interactions as well as other
elements salient to the analysis. The outcome of this project provided Phoenix with a set of
public-facing guidelines for implementation of LPIs, as well as guidance on intersection
characteristics that might indicate a possible benefit from implementation of a pedestrian