Why give to United Way?
Become part of a coordinated, community-wide effort to bring about changes that matter most where you live and work.
UWNA provides solutions. They track trends in social conditions and know where your donation is needed the most. So, when you give to UWNA, you help provide solutions to the most critical issues in our community. You become part of a coordinated, community-wide effort to bring about changes that matter most where you live and work.
UWNA maximizes your contribution. UWNA maximizes your gift by combining your contribution with others and strategically investing in results-driven programs and initiatives that improve lives and change community conditions. Through trusted partnerships and alliances, UWNA multiplies your investment. For every $100 you invest, $126 is returned to the community.
UWNA maintains high standards. Community volunteers carefully review each UWNA partner on an annual basis. Their oversight ensures adherence to sound fiscal practices. They also ensure that your contribution is invested in programs impact our community. UWNA’s administration costs are 17.7 percent — well below the standards set by the Better Business Bureau’s Wise Giving Alliance.
UWNA makes it easy to give. When you give through your workplace campaign, your contribution can be spread out over a year through payroll deduction.