What we do
- Integrate growing local foods and food sustainability issues at a university level via hands-on learning
- Promote community gardening, advocate for food justice, planting, composting, and seed collection
- Educate students from all different backgrounds about food sustainability and local gardening
- Enhance collaboration with the broader community
What we grow and how we grow it
The SSLUG Garden promotes sustainable food systems through the demonstration of organic growing methods in a campus setting. Hands-on participation in planting, harvesting, seeding, harvesting, seed collecting, and soil amendment activities enable volunteers to learn how to grow a variety of food crops in a challenging high-elevation climate. This Garden features short-season heirloom vegetables, medical, and culinary herbs, climate-appropriate fruit trees and berries, along with native wildflowers and shrubs. Since Flagstaff has a relatively short growing season (103 days), many of the plants are sown from seed in the NAU Greenhouse in the spring, and cared for by volunteers until they are ready to be planted in early June.
Where does the food go?
Garden volunteers are invited to harvest from the garden for their personal use and well-being. Additional produce is placed on the Farm table and donated to garden supporters and taken to the Flagstaff Family Food Center.
Garden Features
- Permaculture design serves human needs without degrading environment
- Composting systems that use waste and improve soil health
- Organic gardening methods: no chemical fertilizers or pesticide/herbicide
- Pollinator garden supports improved vegetable and fruit harvests and serves as a haven for pollinating insects and birds
- Rainwater catchment system provides sustainable irrigation