On the following (up to) five pages, using the above header and page numbering, provide a narrative description of the project you intend to carry out. It is critical that this portion of the application be written in a manner so that someone outside your field will be able to understand the importance of the project and your proposed work plan. TYPE THE NARRATIVE IN A 12 POINT FONT WITH ONE INCH MARGINS.
We also recommend that you consult the evaluation rubric, which is available online on the OVPR research page
All sections must be completed, and all attachments included. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
Organize your narrative as follows:
- Introduction: Significance, Value and Originality: Provide background on the significance and value of the project to the specific area of scholarship or artistic expression. For example, what is the value of the project within your scholarly/artistic area? How will it contribute original, innovative, and/or creative ideas/knowledge to your field?
- Project Description: Describe the project in terms that someone outside your discipline would understand.
- Methods: Discuss the discipline-specific methods, modes of inquiry and/or creative expression that will be used in your project, as well as all assumptions and limitations associated with these methods/modes of inquiry/creative expressions.
- Work Plan and Timeline: How will you carry out your scholarly/creative endeavor? How will the project be organized? Describe where the work will be conducted, any materials to be used, and how you will obtain access to relevant materials. Finally, provide a timeline of the major tasks that will be funded by the grant.
- Competencies: Why are you the best person to carry out this project? Provide evidence and/or background experiences speaking to your ability to carry out the project or creative activity. How does your project align with the trajectory of your scholarship/creative activities and expertise?
- Final Product and Dissemination:What is your intended result and who is your audience? Explain how the results will be disseminated to this audience and beyond (if relevant). If you already have a contract/publisher/venue, provide that information.
- Budget Justification: Briefly explain each of the budget items and their importance to the project (not counted as part of the page requirement). Provide a detailed timeline, accurate cost estimates, and a rigorous justification of the work plan.
- Bibliography/Literature Citations (not counted as part of the page requirement).
Section II – ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION (does not require above header)
- An updated and condensed CV must be included for the Principal Investigator/Project Director and any Co-Investigator(s). Limit of 2 pages for each person.
- A statement documenting all current, pending, and completed support within the last five (5) years. Identify titles, award durations and notable accomplishments for all projects that received intramural or extramural support. Please describe any overlap between the project described in the current submission with previous awards.
- A letter from the Chair or Director of the PI/co-PIs home academic unit(s) summarizing the negotiated workload percentages within the applicant’s Statement of Expectation for the year in which the SCA application was submitted.
- Budget Justifications: Provide a justification for the project costs requested in this application. For each participant, provide start/end dates, total salary amount for key personnel, hourly rates for student wages, and explain the participant’s role in the project and how they are qualified to fulfill their role. Include a brief description for any materials, supplies, or travel requests. Applications requesting summer salary for Principal Investigators must describe what will be worked on during the summer and what it is necessary to meet the goals of the projects.