Interest groups
Membership in the NAURA also brings with it the opportunity to join your cohorts in fun activities, both personal and community.
Adopt-a-Highway Project

NAURA has participated in the Arizona Department of Transportation Adopt-a-Highway program since 1994. We are always interested in getting new volunteers for about two hours of moderate work in the invigorating air. Adopt-a-Highway provides volunteers with safety vests, and litter bags. Everyone is welcome to participate.
NAURA’s highway cleanup site on on Highway 180, just west of Schultz Pass Road. Cleanups are scheduled two times a year (usually May and Sept/Oct) and dates and times are be sent out to members at least a month in advance of the cleanup date.
Our next highway cleanup is scheduled for
Wednesday, May 14th at 9 AM.
Contact Dick at the email below if you’d like to sign up
Contact: Dick Coast email:
Senior Coffee Hour
Enjoy coffee and snacks at the Downtown Library on the second Wednesday of every month and chat about resources and topics for seniors. Watch for a SPARK about a week in advance of the event for each month for details on the topic and organization that will be presenting.