White Mountain Apache Tribe

Population: 13,409
Size: 2,631 sq. mi.
Median household income: $26,973
The White Mountain Apache Tribe conducted a feasibility study during March and April of 2014 to investigate the potential for developing a biomass electricity generation plant, fueled from slash and waste from forest restoration.
The concept was also examined in 1994 and 2002 with support from US DOE’s Tribal Energy Program in investigating the feasibility of a cogeneration facility at the tribe’s Fort Apache Timber Company.
This information was gathered from past conversations with tribal representatives and web searches. The census data was found online and represents 2010 figures.
- Derreck Wheeler, Planning Department
- US DOE Tribal Energy Program 2002
- US DOE Tribal Energy Program 1994
- Demographic Analysis of the White Mountain Apache Tribe