Tonto Apache Tribe
Population: 120
Size: .31 sq. mi.
Median household income: $16,667
The Tonto Apache Tribe has been awarded support for its renewable energy initiatives from both the U.S. Department of Energy’s Tribal Energy Program (TEP) and the Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs (IEPP). Because the land base of the tribe is small, tribal leaders have prioritized renewable energy development for on-site use by government and community facilities.
In 2013, the Tribe was awarded support from DOE’s TEP to help fund the installation of solar PV arrays on three of the tribe’s buildings with the highest energy consumption, The PV systems are expected to meet more than 60 percent of the buildings’ total electricity needs. The installation will total 267 kW of capacity in two systems, at the tribal administration building and the community gymnasium / pool.
In 2015, the Tribe was awarded a grant under IEPP’s Community and Facility Scale renewable energy solicitation. With support from this grant, the tribe will install 172 kilowatts of solar PV and solar water heating systems in its gymnasium, waste water treatment facility, waste water holding tank and the Tribe’s market. According to the DOE, expected savings are over 35 percent in electricity and propane costs and approximately $1.6 million over the life of the systems.
This information was gathered using web searches. The census data was found online and represents 2010 figures.