Journal Articles
Riffle, K (G), Smaglik, Edward J., Procaccio, S (U), Gehrke, Steven R., Russo, Brendan J., and Hurwitz, David. “Journal on Intelligent and Connected Vehicles, in press, December 2024.
Smaglik, E.J., Phair, C.J. (G), Eschen, A.M. (U), and Russo, B.J. “Prioritizing Bicyclist Safety and Mobility: Which Guidance Do I Use?” ITE Journal, March 2024.
Collins, R. J. and Tuchscherer, R. G. (2024). “Evaluation of Minimum Web Reinforcement Requirements for Slender and Non-Slender Beams,” Transportation Research Record, Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
Tuchscherer, R. G. and Eggers, W. K. 2022. “Proof Testing of a Shear Deficient Bent Cap,” Transportation Research Record, Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
Dymond, B.; Ray, D.; Hewes, J.; Tingerthal, J.; and Tuchscherer, R. 2023 “Using “Anchored Instruction” to Teach Fundamental Bridge Engineering Principles: A Case Study.” Proceedings
of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, Summer 2023. No. 37906.
Tingerthal, J.; Ray, D.; Hewes, J.; Dymond, B.; and Tuchscherer, R. 2023. “Development of an assessment for measuring knowledge transferred between the classroom and structural
engineering practice.” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference, Summer 2023. No. 37910.
A.E. Martinez, C.D. Phair, B.J. Russo, & S.R. Gehrke. (2023) Exploring neighborhood differences in bicycling accessibility to physical and virtual workplaces. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board.
Razi, A., Chen, X., Li, H., Wang, H., Russo, B., Chen, Y., & Yu, H. (2023). Deep learning serves traffic safety analysis: A forward‐looking review. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 17(1), 22-71.
Russo, B. J., Yu, F., & Smaglik, E. J. (2023). Examination of factors associated with fault status and injury severity in intersection-related rear-end crashes: application of binary and bivariate ordered probit models. Safety science, 164, 106187.
Russo, B., Kothuri, S., Smaglik, E., & Hurwitz, D. (2023). Analyzing the Impacts of Intersection Treatments and Traffic Characteristics on Bicyclist Safety: Development of Data-Driven Guidance on the Application of Bike Boxes, Mixing Zones, and Bicycle Signals. Transportation Research Record, 03611981231167414.
Scott-Deeter, L., Hurwitz, D., Russo, B., Smaglik, E., & Kothuri, S. (2023). Assessing the impact of three intersection treatments on bicyclist safety using a bicycling simulator. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 179, 106877.
S.R. Gehrke, B.J. Russo, M.P. Huff, & E.J. Smaglik. (2023) Multiscale spatial analysis of macro-level determinants of bicycle crash frequencies in the Phoenix metro region. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security.
S.R. Gehrke, C.D. Phair, B.J. Russo, & E.J. Smaglik. (2023). Observed sidewalk autonomous delivery robot interactions with pedestrians and bicyclists. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 18: 100789.
Aguilar, C., Russo, B. J., Mohebbi, A., & Akbariyeh, S. (2022). Analysis of factors affecting the frequency of crashes on interstate freeways by vehicle type considering multiple weather variables. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 14(6), 973-1001.
Chen, X., Wang, H., Razi, A., Russo, B., Pacheco, J., Roberts, J., Wishart, J., Head, L., & Granados Baca, A. (2022). Network-Level Safety Metrics for Overall Traffic Safety Assessment: A Case Study. IEEE Access, 11, 17755-17778.
S.R. Gehrke, & M.P. Huff. (2022). Spatial equity implications and neighborhood indicators of ridehailing trip frequency and vehicle miles traveled in the Phoenix metro region. Transportation.
B. Sadeghinasr, A. Akhavan, P.G. Furth, S.R. Gehrke, Q. Wang, & T.G. Reardon. (2021). Mining dockless bikeshare data for insights into cyclist behavior and preferences: Evidence from the Boston region. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 100: 103044.
Mohebbi, A., Yu, F., Cai, S., Akbariyeh, S., & Smaglik, E. J. (2021). Spatial study of particulate matter distribution, based on climatic indicators during major dust storms in the State of Arizona. Frontiers of earth science, 15, 133-150.
Russo, B. J., James, E., Erdmann, T., & Smaglik, E. J. (2021). Pedestrian and bicyclist behavior at Highway-Rail grade crossings: An Observational study of factors associated with violations, distraction, and crossing speeds during train crossing events. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 13(11), 1263-1281.
S.R. Gehrke, B.J. Russo, B. Sadeghinasr, K.R. Riffle, E.J. Smaglik, & T.G. Reardon. (2021). Spatial interactions of e-scooter trip generation and vulnerable road user crash frequency. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security.
S.R. Gehrke, M.P. Huff, & T.G. Reardon. (2021). Social and trip-level predictors of pooled ride-hailing service adoption in the Greater Boston Region. Case Studies on Transport Policy.
S.R. Gehrke, & T.G. Reardon. (2021). Patterns and predictors of early electric vehicle adoption in Massachusetts. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation.
S.R. Gehrke, B. Sadeghinasr, Q. Wang, & T.G. Reardon. (2021). Patterns and predictors of dockless bikeshare trip generation and duration in Boston’s suburbs. Case Studies on Transport Policy.
S.R. Gehrke, & T.G. Reardon. (2021). Direct demand modelling approach to forecast cycling activity for a proposed bike facility. Transportation Planning and Technology 44(1): 1-15.
Russo, B., Kothuri, S., Smaglik, E., Aguilar, C., James, E., Levenson, N., & Koonce, P. (2020). Exploring the impacts of intersection and traffic characteristics on the frequency and severity of bicycle-vehicle conflicts. Advances in transportation studies.
S.R. Gehrke. (2020). Uber service area expansion in three major American cities. Journal of Transport Geography 86: 102752.
S.R. Gehrke, A. Akhavan, P.G. Furth, Q. Wang, & T.G. Reardon. (2020). A cycling-focused accessibility tool to support regional bike network connectivity. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 85: 102388.
S.R. Gehrke, & L. Wang. (2020). Operationalizing the neighborhood effects of the built environment on travel behavior. Journal of Transport Geography 82: 102561.
T.F. Welch, S.R. Gehrke, & A. Widita. (2020). Shared-use mobility competition: A trip-level analysis of taxi, bikeshare, and transit mode choice in Washington, DC. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 16(1): 43-55.
Wishart, J., Como, S., Elli, M., Russo, B., Weast, J., Altekar, N., … & Chen, Y. (2020). Driving safety performance assessment metrics for ads-equipped vehicles. SAE International Journal of Advances and Current Practices in Mobility, 2(2020-01-1206), 2881-2899.
Yu, F., Mohebbi, A., Cai, S., Akbariyeh, S., Russo, B. J., & Smaglik, E. J. (2020). The Influence of Seasonal Meteorology on Vehicle Exhaust PM2. 5 in the State of California: A Hybrid Approach Based on Artificial Neural Network and Spatial Analysis. Environments, 7(11), 102.
James, E., & Russo, B. J. (2019). Analysis of factors affecting injury severity in traffic crashes on Arizona tribal lands. Transportation research record, 2673(9), 345-354.
Mohebbi, A., Green, G. T., Akbariyeh, S., Yu, F., Russo, B. J., & Smaglik, E. J. (2019). Development of dust storm modeling for use in freeway safety and operations management: An Arizona case study. Transportation research record, 2673(5), 175-187.
Russo, B. J., & Smaglik, E. J. (2019). Analysis of factors affecting injury severity for riders or occupants of all-terrain vehicles and golf carts involved in police-reported crashes. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 133, 105289.
S.R. Gehrke, P.A. Singleton, & K.J. Clifton. (2019). Understanding stated neighborhood preferences: The roles of lifecycle stage, mobility style, and lifestyle aspirations. Travel Behaviour and Society 17: 62-71.
S.R. Gehrke, & T.F. Welch. (2019). A bikeshare station area typology to forecast the station-level ridership of system expansion. The Journal of Transport and Land Use 12(1): 221-235.
S.R. Gehrke, A. Felix, & T.G. Reardon. (2019). The substitution of ride-hailing services for more sustainable travel options in the Greater Boston Region. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 2673(1): 438-446.
S.R. Gehrke, K.M. Currans, & K.J. Clifton. (2019). Assessing the importance of housing, accessibility, and transportation characteristics on stated neighbourhood preferences. International Journal of Urban Sciences 23(1): 49-66.
S.R. Gehrke, & K.J. Clifton. (2019). An activity-related land use mix construct and its connection to pedestrian travel. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. 46(1): 9-26.
Huang, T., Poddar, S., Aguilar, C., Sharma, A., Smaglik, E., Kothuri, S., & Koonce, P. (2018). Building intelligence in automated traffic signal performance measures with advanced data analytics. Transportation research record, 2672(18), 154-166.
Rista, E., Goswamy, A., Wang, B., Barrette, T., Hamzeie, R., Russo, B., Bou-Saab, G., and Savolainen, P.T. (2018). Examining the safety impacts of narrow lane widths on urban/suburban arterials: Estimation of a panel data random parameters negative binomial model. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 10(3), 213-228.
Russo, B. J., & Savolainen, P. T. (2018). A comparison of freeway median crash frequency, severity, and barrier strike outcomes by median barrier type. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 117, 216-224.
Russo, B. J., Savolainen, P. T., Gates, T. J., Kay, J. J., & Frazier, S. (2017). Driver speed selection on high-speed two-lane highways: Comparing speed profiles between uniform and differential speed limits. Traffic injury prevention, 18(5), 521-527.
Russo, B. J., Barrette, T. P., Morden, J., Savolainen, P. T., & Gates, T. J. (2017). Examination of factors associated with use rates after transition from a universal to partial motorcycle helmet use law. Traffic injury prevention, 18(1), 95-101.
Sharma, A., Smaglik, E., Kothuri, S., Smith, O., Koonce, P., & Huang, T. (2017). Leading pedestrian intervals: Treating the decision to implement as a marginal benefit–cost problem. Transportation Research Record, 2620(1), 96-104.