Jill Peiffer
Jill is generally interested in wildlife ecology and conservation, having specialized in field ecology of avian species, particularly demography and behavioral studies. Key projects Jill has worked on are those focused on the Black-capped Vireo, San Clemente Island Loggerhead Shrike, Florida Scrub-jay, Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, and Red-backed Fairy-wren.
Causes of Mortality of the Golden White-Eye
Jill’s thesis research is on the Golden White-eye (Cleptornis marchei), which is a bird species endemic to the island of Saipan. The Golden White-eye relies on the island’s forests for year-round and nesting habitat; however, nearly all of Saipan’s historic native forest has been replaced with mixed forest (naturalized or agricultural species with native remnants) or monoculture of introduced tangantangan (Leucaena leucocephala). Also, introduced animals are abundant. This novel ecosystem could threaten the conservation of Golden White-eyes. Research efforts investigated causes of Golden White-eye mortality and compared Golden White-eye nest success with that of two similar avian species.